4740 Mission Gorge Pl #601012 San Diego, CA 92160
For a Free Consultation, Call 619-439-7188
Domestic Pest Control

At ADA Termite and Pest Control, we understand the importance of protecting your home from pests. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of pest control services to help keep your home clean and free of pests. From seasonal ant control to year-round termite control, we have you covered. We also offer a wide range of other pest control services to help you keep your home free of pests.

Servicing a wide range of San Diego County, we are your Southern California pest control experts. No matter what time of year it is, there is always something trying to get into your home and wreak havoc. From the tiniest of ants to the largest of rats, with a specialty in termite mitigation, we will take care of your problem in the quickest way possible for a reasonable price. With years of experience, we have seen it all, conquered it all, and have you covered. So, give us a call today and let us help you take back your home.